I hear the words coming out of my mouth and I want to cry. But I can’t remember the last time I cried.
I make eye contact and not what I’m supposed to. Spewing out platitudes plausible enough to ward off any argument. What I really wanna say to her is
I make eye contact and not what I’m supposed to. Spewing out platitudes plausible enough to ward off any argument. What I really wanna say to her is
‘Did I mention you set my heart a flutter, and make me feel all funny inside?’
Heaven forbid I go through with it.
I’m the kind of guy who always bets on the wrong horse.
Samuel Salazar at your service.
They say women forget the physical pain of child birth right after the baby is born. That’s how come they can start all over again and have another child.
I guess I’m not like a woman at all because I have a crystal clear memory of every heart- break I’ve suffered from the age of nine.
I was only conversational then.
Still, I can’t help but wonder if this could be a true happy ending.
Or one more false hope.
It’s like a traffic accident.
I know I shouldn’t look but I can’t turn away because in my heart of hearts,
(wherever that is)
I know the answer does not lie within words,
I know I shouldn’t look but I can’t turn away because in my heart of hearts,
(wherever that is)
I know the answer does not lie within words,
but within her eyes.
The world is made up of a billion little mysteries
but it’s not words that explain them.
but it’s not words that explain them.
Of this I’m sure…
you are unique.
there are, I’m sure, uncommon things that you are particularly good at.
play to your strong suits.
don’t concentrate on things that other people have told you, you are no good at.
relish the talents you have.
and always
always surround yourself with people who appreciate you.
— | Sam Salazar portrayed by Josh Hartnett in Girl Walks Into a Bar |
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